You will need to edit the configuration under the command line to setup a L2TP tunnel to Core Transit in EdgeOS. Please login to the command line and enter the following commands:

set interfaces l2tp-client l2tpc0 authentication user-id <username>
set interfaces l2tp-client l2tpc0 authentication password <password>
set interfaces l2tp-client l2tpc0 mtu 1400
set interfaces l2tp-client l2tpc0 server-ip

Then you must edit the EdgeOS Perl source code L2TPClient library to ensure it's saving the password as well (this is a bug in EdgeOS implementation of L2TP without IPSEC):

sudo su
vi /opt/vyatta/share/perl5/Vyatta/

Then inside vi type ":316" and press enter (this should take you to line 316). Then press the lower case letter "o" for a new line insert and put the following line in:

 $str .= "password $self->{_auth_pass}\n";

Hit the escape key and type ":x" and press enter to save and exit. Please test your changes across a reboot to ensure they are persistent.

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